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start [2015/11/13 17:51] – [Acer C7 Chromebook] zoltanstart [2019/01/30 15:16] (current) zoltan
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 {{ :zoltan.png?200|}} {{ :zoltan.png?200|}}
 Currently I reside in Berlin, the buzzing capital of Germany. Currently I reside in Berlin, the buzzing capital of Germany.
 For a living I provide SAP basis services as a freelancer: For a living I provide SAP basis services as a freelancer:
-  * [[https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0aBE4-jRICzekx0WnhpWS00blk/view?usp=sharing|up to date CV as of 2015]] +  * [[https://drive.google.com/open?id=1xOGGl6xOHBOQTIBHUIhqJRJdCngD07p2|German CV as of 2019 Profil Stand 2019]]
-  * [[https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0aBE4-jRICzS3pLRFc2eUdaVUk/view?usp=sharing|deutscher Lebenslauf mit Stand 2015]] +
- +
-For fun stuff I employ several Linux boxes, a MacBookPro , a couple of iPhones, an iPad, an iPad 2, a Nexus 7 (2012) and a couple of Raspberry Pi devices. +
-===== Updates ===== +
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- +
 +For fun stuff I employ several Linux boxes, a MacBookPro , a Mac Mini, a couple of iPhones, an iPad Pro and a couple of Raspberry Pi devices.